
Vintage Crochet PINEAPPLE Bib TEA APRON COZY Pattern

€ 3.73

Availability: 53 in stock
  • Product: Patterns
  • Brand: Vintage Home Arts
  • Craft: Crochet
  • Shapes & Themes: Apron
  • Condition: New


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    PATTERN to make:
    Pineapple Design Fancy Bib Apron
    Vintage Crochet Pattern
    A Digitally Cleaned and Restored Reprint
    This Listing is for the Printed Version
    Delivered by 1st Class Mail.
    PATTERN to make:  Vintage Fancy Pineapple Design Bib Apron
    .  Made with Six Cord Crochet Cotton Size 30, and Steel Crochet Hook Size 10 or 11. Instructions included for a matching tea cozy as well.
    This is a digitally cleaned and restored reprint of a pattern from my vintage and antique collection.  It is NOT the actual item. It will come in
    printed form by 1st Class Mail.
    Please pay or contact me with payment details within two days of auction ending.
    Outside of U.S. payment by PayPal only.
    Items are sent
    same or next business day
    by 1st Class Mail. For single patterns, shipping is
    2 U.S., International
    . For book reprints, shipping is
    U.S. and International
    .  If you're ordering
    multiple items
    , a generous
    is given.
    Your Satisfaction is Absolutely Guaranteed!
    Our feedback shows that our customers are delighted with their items. If for any reason you are not, please contact me. Our business reputation is built on customer service, and we want you to be happy with your purchase!
    Thank you!
    You can be assured that any reprints of patterns I offer are in the public domain and free of copyright. This pattern was produced before December 31, 1963, and entered public domain by 12/31/91.
    I'm often asked if you can make the items and sell them.  Of course you can! That's the whole point, to preserve these priceless and disappearing items by actually using and making them. Otherwise they're just print on paper.  I encourage you to do great things with the patterns, keeping them alive for years to come. And please send a picture and let me know how it turned out!
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